Darwin coined the expression "The primary horde" about the original group of humans, ruled by a lone powerful man, who had the right to all the women. Freud suggested that his sons banded together and killed him. The cooperation between the intensely rivaling sons was the birth of civilization. The ancient and deep-rooted passions that time civilization should control are still with us today and threaten to destroy a weakened western civilization
1. The West's hour of destiny
Bees, ants and termites are social animals just like humans, but the first mentioned are a kind of genetic robots that do their duty and when they are no longer needed, they lay down to die.
Humans, on the other hand, are not such perfect social creatures who repeat the same actions year after year. We are motivated by strong emotions that have roots all the way back to early humans millions of years ago. These can be creative and motivating elements, but they are also destabilizing forces that constantly threaten the existence of any human community.
They are the rebellion against the father, women's desire to manipulate men's emotions, men's rivalry for status and power, all of which fuel the politically correct narratives like the end of the world in global warming, the free choice between the 72 sexes, the happy diversity, the perfect equality, the liberation from the old-fashioned norms, the historical evil of white men and so on.
These feelings have always been there, but the dangerous thing is that in modern times we have unleashed them. We have given rebellious youngsters and manipulative women the moral green light and the right to vote and thus access to power, and behind them are even more dangerous manipulators, who are mainly associated with or inspired by the Frankfurt School, which aims to bring Western civilization to fall.
2. The primary horde
"The primary horde" is a myth, a story that describes and explains psychological conditions in society. The myth is not rooted in a specific historical event, but rather in a long-term development.
In very early humans - millions of years ago - there was a significant size difference between males and females - that is, between men and women. The males became about a quarter larger than the females, which indicates that it was a social and polygamous species, where the males fought intensely for the favor of the females.
Reconstruction of two Homo erectus men fighting each other with hand axes. Photo Nikhil Iyengar Wikipedia.
With the knowledge that we have today about the behavior and psychology of higher mammals, we can imagine that a strong, dominant and aggressive "Man" kept a watchful eye over a group of women, whom he was ready to defend at any time to last drop of blood.
He made sure they were always pregnant. He was extremely combative and hostile to other men.
The original primitive horde was first described in Darwin's "The Descent of Man" in 1871. He suggested that the horde was led by an older male, who had rights to all the females in the group. As soon as his sons reached puberty, they were ruthlessly driven away as potential rivals.
The Scottish poet, writer and anthropologist Andrew Lang acknowledged Darwin's theory in his 1905 "The Secret of the Totem": "The first practice was that of the jealous father: 'no man shall touch the women in my camp', which was accompanied by the banishment of his teenage sons."
Freud wrote in "Totem and Taboo" from 1913 that "Darwin inferred from the habits of the higher apes that men too originally lived in comparatively small groups or hordes, within which the jealousy of the oldest and strongest man prevented sexual promiscuity."
He proposed that in human prehistory, they lived in groups that he, after Darwin, called the primary horde, dominated by an older man, who had a monopoly on all women. All his sons were mercilessly chased away as soon as they reached puberty.
The ostracized younger men were hiding about in the thicket, trying to muster up the courage to challenge the dominant male in order to achieve their life's goal, namely the possibility of copulating women.
There was an ever-recurring violent legacy of the single father. Countless times, when the dominant male had grown old and weakened, he was subsequently killed by a younger challenger, who then assumed his monopoly over the group of females.
The primary horde at the base of the Gunang Api volcano. However, the artist has made it look like a modern nuclear family. Photo world of paleoanthropology.
The Danish author and Nobel laureate in literature, Johannes V. Jensen used the theme of the primary horde in his 1919 novel, "The Lost Land", which takes place at the foot of the volcano Gunang Api in the time before the Ice Age. The humans had left the tree tops and were now roaming the plains led by the all-powerful "Man", who had exclusive rights to all the women in the horde.
The sociologist James Jasper Atkinson pointed out in "Primal Law" in 1930 that the conditions in the original horde, which Darwin assumes, can be easily observed among herds of wild cattle and horses and regularly lead to the killing of the parent animal.
Freud returned to Darwin's theory of the original primitive horde in "Group Psychology and Analysis of the Ego" in 1921, "The Future of an Illusion" and "Civilization and Its Discontents" in 1930, and especially in his last book, "Moses and Monotheism" 1939. One should think he thought it was important. But not in the way that he considered it a concrete historical event. He wrote in a letter to a friend: "Don't take it too seriously. It's something I dreamed of on a rainy Sunday afternoon."
3. The killing of the primordial father
The exiled sons loved and admired their almighty father, but they feared him just as much.
But one day a turning point in human development occurred. Freud wrote: "One day the brothers who had been displaced found together, killed and devoured their father, and put an end to the patriarchal horde. United, they had the courage to do it, and they succeeded in doing what would have been impossible for them individually."
The sons burst forth from the thicket. Photo Homo Ergaster BloodRayne & Mia, the Vampire Slayer. Wiki Fandom.
James Jasper Atkinson wrote that the "young troop of brothers" had finally gained strength and had "taken from the paternal tyrant his wives and his life."
This collective crime marks the birth of a group of cooperating men, and thus the beginning of civilization.
The resulting civilization was born out of necessity. The cooperation between the intensely rivaling sons necessitated strict rules about which women belonged to whom. The tribe had to define an order of rank, accepted by all, to avoid grueling and destructive internal strife. Civilization had to contain ceremonies and tales of the departed almighty father and of the heroes of the past to seal the unity of the group of cooperating men.
At Freud, the conspiring sons ate the father to get his strength. Afterwards they repented the killing and elevated the father to god status, which was the beginning of religion. But all this is another story.
Shamanic ritual. Photo Livejournal Alex Sone.
The cooperating men repressed - at least in part - their own deep-seated biological aversion to other men in order to collectively obtain greater goods, which, one imagines, were more food, more security, and especially more women.
"Survival of the fittest" favored the new groups of cooperative men who easily overcame the original and more primitive human groups led by single all-powerful men.
Natural men do not love each other, but they can respect each other, and this is probably the way it always has been. It is lonely being a man, and that's why we need women.
But figuratively speaking, the cooperating - that is, civilized - men lived on a dormant volcano. At any moment the primal rivalry could break through and everything could end in chaos, death and destruction. It was imperative that their civilization's rules of cooperation to be brutally and unconditionally enforced, which required leadership.
4. The women and the primary horde
During the hundreds of thousands of years that the women lived in the primary horde, their lives were uncomplicated, at least when it came to sex. They just had to turn to the right side, when the dominant "Man" came and demanded his right. Without apologetic gestures, foreplay or explanations, he took exactly what he wanted.
The women of the primary horde. Photo Afterchock.
But after the murder of the primordial father, the woman's love life has become much more complicated, but also more interesting. Before there was only one man in her life, but now she is faced with several sons, who may or may not desire her. Since the murder, they have adorned themselves with pearls, seashells, pearls, diamonds, cosmetics, beautiful clothes and elaborately arranged hair because they want to manipulate men.
The modern advertising industry knows that women have the last word when purchasing the vast majority of consumer goods, and for that reason it is important to appeal to precisely women's innermost unconscious feelings. They are quite clear that deep in the tertiary part of women's brains and ancient emotions they have not forgotten life in the horde. It is no coincidence that women's most frequent sexual fantasy is to be mercilessly - but uncomplicatedly - penetrated by a big, dark and strange man who knows what he wants.
Therefore, when TV commercials show a loving couple or married couple, the woman will very often be a light Scandinavian type, while the man will be an indeterminate dark, middle eastern-like type, if not an african type. Such types are deftly associated with the very qualities that the original all-powerful "Man" of the primary horde is believed to have possessed, full of fighting spirit, vitality and sexual energy - quite different from the insecure anemic son next door.
A prehistoric woman, who could have been a woman in the primary horde. There was no need to seduce anyone as there was only one man and he was very predictable. She got somthing when it was her turn, as long as she was fertile. Photo 2ch.hk.
Darwin argued that in the early stages of human development - but after the killing of the primordial father - men took the power to choose partners from women. Men fought other men to win their chosen ones, he wrote, and because of the constant rivalry, men became stronger and more intelligent over time, while women were strengthened in their ability to attract attractive partners "through the cultivation of fashion". By which last he must have meant women's ability to attract men with their beauty, charm and intelligence.
It will extremely rarely lead to anything to discuss the politically correct narratives with women using rational arguments - which narratives are the free choice between the 72 sexes, the happy diversity, the perfect equality, the liberation from the old-fashioned norms and the historical evil of white men and so on.
Rationalism represents a search for truth, and it is generally not very important to women. Their goal is typically to be validated.
Women will immediately sense a man's desperation because of the lack of logic and will smile and with assumed indignation begin to play "come and get me", which is what it all boils down to.
Men love women, but the latter love to play with men's emotions as a bullfighter plays with the bull. Time and time again he will attack with irrefutable rational arguments, which, however, will become blows in the air and lead to nothing but new indignant accusations. The woman will immediately sense his interest - in her - and will continue to wave the red cloth in front of him, while she considers whether she should impress her girlfriends by adding him to the list of her conquests.
But even if she does, she will never fully surrender to his rational arguments, thereby disarming herself and forgoing future opportunities for validation by playing with his emotions. She will always display special tolerant, forgiving female attitudes - for example in relation to immigration.
5. Viking Age laws and warrior honor
Skade convinces herself that Rolf Krake is dead. Rolf's men kept their oath of allegiance and fought to the last man for their king. Drawing by Frölich Photo Wikimedia.
During the Migration Period, the Germanic peoples created their rules for cooperation in large groups. They wrote down their own collections of laws. For example, the Goths in Spain had the "Gothic Law" of King Recceswinth, the Franks governed themselves according to the "Salic Law", the Burgundians had the "Lex Burgundionum" and the law of the Lombards was called the "Edictum Rothari". In Denmark there was "Sealand Law", "Scania Law" and "Jutland Law" and probably more.
The people felt it to be the very epitome of freedom to be governed according to their own laws by kings whom they themselves had chosen from among their ancient royal families.
The history of the Nordic countries - from the Viking Age to the present day - shows a true passion for law and justice. Nothing could excite the peasants more than if a king did not respect the old laws of the land.
The bards sang of Rolf Krake's generosity and praised the virtues of warriors, namely bravery, hardiness and loyalty to their king. Rolf's hird men proved their loyalty by defending him to the last man. The same was done by Canute the Saint's hird in Odense and Niels the Old's men in Slesvig.
6. Knightly ideals of the Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages, men's behavior and rivalry were regulated by the ideals of chivalry.
Detail of the Knights of Christ in the Ghent Altarpiece by Jan van Eyck. The entire knighthood was characterized by courtly and moral ideals. Telling the truth and keeping one's promises was fundamental. Photo Jan van Eyck Wikipedia.
Under the influence of Christianity, the ancient warrior ideals developed into the ideals of chivalry, which were very much about the fact that a man should be trained in the use of weapons, speak the truth, keep his promises and protect women and children.
In 1891, the French literary historian Leon Gautier set out ten commandments for knights in the Middle Ages, which, in a slightly abbreviated form, read:
1. You must believe everything the Church tells you.
2. You must defend the Church.
3. You must respect and defend the weak ones.
4. You must love your country.
5. You shall not yield to your enemy.
6. You shall mercilessly wage war against the infidels.
7. You must carefully perform your feudal duties, if they do not conflict with the laws of God.
8. You must never lie and you must keep your word.
9. You must be generous to everyone.
10. You must always fight against injustice and evil.
In the late Middle Ages, wealthy merchants strove to adopt the values and attitudes of the aristocracy. The sons of the bourgeoisie were raised to chivalry.
It was this democratization of chivalry that created the "gentleman" ideal, which emphasized a man's honor, love of country, bravery, loyalty, respect for women, and compassion for the less fortunate in society.
When the Titanic went down in 1912, no man - even the youngest boys - had any doubts that women and children should get into the lifeboats first.
We are fascinated by James Bond's courage, melee strength, unwavering loyalty to his fatherland and never-failing concern for the weaker sex, and this fascination of ours stems from ancient the warrior ideals and medieval moral codes for knights.
7. Today's capitalism
The original capitalism grew out of human nature and many hundreds of years of history - so to speak, by itself, like weeds emerging between the tiles of the garden.
The Viking warriors' honor concepts of loyalty and bravery were refined as medieval ideals of chivalry and finally became the gentleman ideal, which, among other things, implies that men must speak the truth and keep their promises, which is an important prerequisite for the development and prosperity of nations.
In historical Western civilization, we have managed to utilize a potentially society-destroying power, namely men's rivalry for women's love, as an engine of society's economic growth, because we have at the same time preserved the warrior honor, the ideal of chivalry and the ideals of gentlemanhood.
Capitalism in the West, protected by Western civilization, is characterized by a network of mutual agreements between many agents who are rivals and competitors, but who nevertheless respect each other in a similar way as one respects one's opponent in sports.
It is rare that a financial agreement involves the simultaneous exchange of goods and services - as in a marketplace. You can pay first and promise to perform the service later, or you can receive the goods first and promise to pay later. Therefore, the wealth of a society depends on the economic agents speaking the truth, keeping their promises and respecting each other.
When various less developed countries in the global south seem never to be able to develop and create wealth, it is probably not because the population is less intelligent or less industrious than other peoples. It is more likely due to moral issues in their civilization.
Societies with more cunning and less virtuous economic agents will be characterized by the fact that if an entrepreneur succeeds in creating some value, there will immediately show up some who seek to take it, and therefore entrepreneurship most often comes to nothing. Most likely, it is only a matter of time before a violent group appears and demands protection money.
8. Three volcanoes of intense feelings smolder beneath society
A society system and a civilization must be able to contain and regulate the human passions, which were set free with the killing of the primordial father.
As mentioned above, in human nature there are three volcanoes of violent emotions which at any time can get out of control and go into destructive eruptions and destroy civilizations and societies. It is about young men's rebellion against the father, women's yearning to challenge men's feelings and men's mutual rivalry.
It is becoming increasingly clear that our modern mass democracy is not strong and stable enough to withstand the constant attacks motivated by man's original primitive feelings. At the same time, Western civilization is under attack by subtle manipulators, who exploit these emotions and thereby cause our society to falter and crack.
1. The rebellion against the father
The rebels against the father are emotionally identical with the restless and lonely young men who, before the murder of the all-powerful father, roamed the thicket, while they dreamed of taking away from him the right to the love of women.
Most of the modern politically correct narratives including the end of the world in global warming because old irresponsible leaders have allowed the emission of CO2 - The dream of perfect equality where the young men will automatically rise in rank without performing anything special - The happy diversity, who have hitherto been oppressed by the old white men - and so on - derive their emotional strength and vitality from the rebellion against the father.
2. Women's craving to challenge men's emotions
Western men's psychology is characterized by an unconscious need to accomplish something or create something that can give them recognition and thereby make them worthy of a place with the woman - and this is a source of women's power.
Women's nature is characterized by their desire to assert themselves by seducing and manipulating men.
Women's manipulation of men's emotions takes place today at a very high level. I once saw an interview with a female Swedish politician. She was very beautiful with blue eyes and blond hair. With a small smile at the corners of her mouth, she spoke positively about immigration while at the same time strongly condemning the old white men. She could just as easily have said it directly: "Come and take me if you can".
3. Rivalry between men
Rivalry between men takes place everywhere. It is an important driving force in capitalism, but it can get completely out of control. History is exceedingly rich in accounts of mature men's rivalries for status and power, which have plunged societies and nations into chaos and misery. Adolf Hitler is known for staging himself as the great leader in 1933-45 and thereby bringing Germany into misfortune. Winston Churchill is known for his steely determination to keep World War II going despite enormous losses and destruction, thereby turning Europe into a heap of rubble.
Today we can face the rivalry between men as TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Mature men who might otherwise seem sensible can explode in irrational rage at Donald Trump - simply because he has such a confident masculine personality, he is a man, in short, a rival. The demonization of Putin probably has the same origin. In Lars Løkke's tireless pursuit of power and glory, we can also recognize the rivalry between men.